Sunday, February 13, 2011

Map Critique 4


One good thing that this map showed is that there is a proper inset in which the main focus arose from it. This highlighted the study area to a greater extent without sacrificing the location where it can be found. The map also highlighted the three main islands of the Philippines which adds to the needed details. For the focal point of the map, which is Metro Manila, good thing is that the every city and municipality in Metro Manila was labeled properly.

The basic elements of a map is missing. A map without its basic elements is very hard to understand, a reader can't even know what this map is all about. It only shows the Metro Manila and nothing else. Without the necessary elements of a map,we can't never know what kind of information that the map-maker wants to relay to the audience. 

The map lacks important information and it focused more on the design and layout. The map-maker should never forget the basic information that the map should contain. In this map, all was sacrificed for nothing and it is quite disappointing because the map looks so bare without any trace of information and it lacks geographic context.

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