Sunday, January 30, 2011

Map Critique 2


The map does not have a title. Without the title, map readers will not that be able to understand what the map wants to convey.The compass rose is also absent which may further help in locating the area. 

An inset should be included in the map that will enable ordinary map users better understand and locate the area. This will help ordinary map readers in locating where in world Azerbaijan is, since it is a small country.   

Good thing that the cartographer chose contrasting colors of blue and brown that can differentiate water and land and the choice of color emphasized his/her study area. Also, the choice of color highlighted the area of study which is Azerbaijan. It is also good that the cartographer included a map scale. A map scale which is simple and has units in it. 

Basically, the map lacks the fundamental information it should contain. It may then result to inappropriate map interpretation. Although the map's layout is good, but without the pertinent information needed for better map understanding, it will become useless. 

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