Thursday, March 3, 2011

Map Critique 5

The basic elements of map such as the title, legend, north arrow is absent in the map.The map does not have a title which will primarily give us an idea of the purpose of the map.

The colors used in the map is somehow intriguing that it separated West Asia from all of Asia because it is assigned with a lighter color. And if this map is a political map, as I had seen due to the delineation of political boundaries, the cartographer should use many types of colors. If the cartographer wanted to separate the different regions in Asia, he/she should use contrasting colors.

The map is full of unnecessary arrows which points to different directions. Though arrows point to countries corresponding with country names, but I don’t think that putting so many arrows in a map is unnecessary because it is disturbing. The Cartographer should have made the map larger so that country names fit with the land area of the country, this will lessen the usage of arrows.

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