Sunday, March 6, 2011

Map Critique 7


A map without title is confusing. At first glance, I nearly deduced that this map is a climate map of Australia. But I proved myself wrong because this map was really a vegetation map of Australia. As this map implies to me, as its audience, that the title of the map Australia. This map should be given a more appropriate map title in order to relay its message to its audience.

Besides the legend, all of the basic map elements are missing. An appropriate title is missing, a map scale is missing, a northern arrow or compass rose is missing. Though the map is very presentable, I just thought that without its necessary elements, one will find difficulty in deciphering the contents of the map. The map-maker should also prioritized basic map elements because the map's appearance is very pleasing to the eyes. 

The map does not only show the overall vegetation type in Australia but it also showed the regional divisions of Australia. This is quite good in regional analysis of Australia which can help the country in different aspects such as regional planning. 

The choice of color is good because every color corresponds to the type of vegetation found in the area.For example, the author's choice color green for tropical corresponds well to the type of vegetation in that area. It is also good that the cartographer used sequential colors for adjacent areas to highlight the area's transitional vegetation characteristics. 

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